Knee Overview


The Patellofemoral Implant Systems are designed to restore the unique articular surface geometry of the Patella and the Femoral Trochlear groove, while maintaining patients’ native joint anatomy. The PF Classic HemiCAP®, PF Wave® & WaveKahuna™ are designed to restore the unique articular surface geometry of the Patella and Femoral Trochlea Groove while maintaining patients’ native joint anatomy. They are available in many different sizes, with 27 trochlear convexities and 16 different patella’s, making it the most versatile PF system in the world. Both the trochlea and patella are designed as inlay implants in order to maintain and restore congruency in the PF joint which is very important for proper patella tracking and maintaining an independent, active lifestyle. Our PF Implant System can treat the following pathologies:

  • Isolated PF Arthrosis and ArthritisPatellofemoral Implants
  • Extensive patellofemoral cartilage defects
  • PF Malalignment
  • PF Instability
  • Dysplasia

Click here to read more about our revolutionary patellofemoral implant systems

The UniCAP®System is designed for the medial/lateral compartments and consists of 18 different femoral surface options and 6 inlay tibias. It is the only Unicompartmental implant in the world that allows preservation of the meniscus.